
  • McCafé maintains coffee service in Chinese mainland

  • 发布日期:2024-01-16 10:14    点击次数:173

McCafé maintains coffee service in Chinese mainland


McDonald's coffee service in the Chinese mainland will remain unchanged as McCafé is on the right track for further expansion.


It is separate from a rebranding initiative in the Hong Kong region where McDonald's coffee "retiring" and "bidding farewell" caught Hong Kong customers by surprise.

The quick service chain restaurant temporarily stopped serving coffee at all Hong Kong outlets on Monday evening, and revealed that new McCafé options would be rolled out at over 250 stores.

McCafé, which is relatively more expensive than the previous offerings, went on sale on Tuesday.

All coffee at McDonald's Hong Kong served with the meal sets has been automatically upgraded to McCafé coffee.

McDonald's and McCafé are operated under different business entities in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong after McDonald's China changed its company into Jingongmen following the acquirement by Citic,大同区目加地板有限公司 Citic Capital Holdings and Carlyle Group in 2017.


In the Chinese mainland, 萝岗区孔和香料有限公司四轮定位 McCafé is targeting about 1, 平乐县新为干果有限公司000 new openings at existing McDonald's restaurants in second- and third-tier cities by 2025四轮定位, 广州大力贸易发展有限公司 after nearly tripling its total number of locations in China to almost 2, 灵武市洁同地板有限公司500 from 2020 to 2022.




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McCafé maintains coffee service in Chinese mainlan

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